
レイコ@チョート校 ―アメリカ東部名門プレップスクールの16歳―


 シュタイナーモードで向かったからには教育関係の本をサーチしまくった。そして今回のこの書籍が目に留った。アメリカのTVドラマGilmore Girlsの大ファンである私にとって、アメリカ東部のプレップスクールは興味の宝庫。本書は日本人の女子高生が、東部のプレップスクール、チョーム校に通っている時期に書いた体験記ということでさっそく購入してみた(もちろん100円)。




中でも「すごい」と思ったのが保健体育の授業のプロジェクトDummy Baby。人工的なマイクロチップが埋め込まれた乳児の人形がひとり1体渡されて、それを24時間面倒みるというもの。もちろん男子も女子も。その電子ベイビーは、お腹がすいたり、おしめの交換が必要になったりすると定期的に泣くようにプログラムされている。それに応えるための、電子哺乳瓶や電子オムツもセットになっていて、それらで適切にケアしてあげないとプログラムの中から点数が引かれて、成績に反映されることになっている。ちゃんと夜中にも泣くようになっていて、インタビューした男の子のベイビーは深夜2時と4時に泣いたらしい(笑)。確かにお金がないとこんな設備投資はできないかもしれないけれど、日本では今のところ聞いたこともないし、実際に体験しながら学べるというスタイルを優先しているところが大変優れていると思った。



     ジョージ・オーウェル『一九八四年』 (日本語の本英語の本wiki)
     To Kill a Mockingbird 『アラバマ物語』 (日本語の本英語の本wiki)
     The Day of the Jackal 『ジャッカルの日』 (日本語の本英語の本wiki)
     Lord of the Files 『蠅の王』 (日本語の本英語の本wiki)
     Nine Stories 『ナインストーリーズ』 by サリンジャー (日本語の本英語の本wiki


・スペイン語の初級クラスではDESTINOS「デスティノス」 (YouTube)という弁護士の調査旅行記のビデオシリーズが使われていた。NHKの教育テレビでも使用していたことがあるらしい。

      ○Big Brother, Big Sisterボランティア。近所の子どもたちを訪れたり、学校に招待したりして、面倒を見るプログラム。→私がインタビューした日本のアメリカンスクールに通う子たちも、スクールバスの中でbus tutorという係(バスの中で低学年の子どもたちの安全を確保すると同時に、面倒をみる係)を担当していて、これを通じて他の学年の生徒ともコミュニケーションをとることがプラスになっていると言っていた。




・著者が通っていた年にNHKでチョーム校を紹介する番組が放送された。『二十一世紀の日本人へ 独創教育での知の再生』というタイトルらしい。見たい!

・Mug Night→マグカップを持ってあつまるパーティ。キャンディやココアなどを入れて楽しむ夜のお茶会。

      ○Show, not tell. 事例で見せよ、言葉で語るな。くどくど説明しないで、事例を読者に示せ。





Writing Seminar at Temple Uni @ Tokyo

Two weeks ago, I attended a seminar about "Multilingual Writing Development: Current Research and Practice" by Dr. Carol Rinnert (Hiroshima City University) .

It was great experience to me to get the atmosphere of American universities and test my English skills whether I'm qualified enough to understand the class in English. Dr Carol's English was very clear and I could understand. 

As a very beginner of  TESOL, the every detail was meaningful to me, like the difference between EFL and ESL.

In my understanding, her research was about how the second and third language affect to mother language writing skills. People who speak second language has some kind of influence on your mother language. These are proved by several research so far, so she did similar research on writing. 

The study was in progress, so there were no results or statement yet, but sharing the process is very fresh to me and I get very excited to be part of one listener. It will be need more time to get to know all of the study, but I want to know and want to be a teacher someday.

 This day gave me big step to my future. Thank you!  


I woke up with the news about Ichiro moving to Yankees from Seattle Mariners. The program on TV was Sukkiri (スッキリ!).  The news it self wasn't big surprise for me, in fact I'm not enthusiastic about baseball.

Ichiro was taking an interview telling his feelings and hopes. The interesting part is that he has game against Mariners right after this interview. Of course he would be in a game as a Yankees player. Everybody were expressing how exciting that will be and the program were already done with the street interview in Tokyo.

What has got to do with me to write this news in here? That is the word, the caster (極楽とんぼの加藤) said right after telling Ichiro would play as an Yankees, then how would Mariners fans think about that. He expressed it as "Tamaranai deshou ne." 「たまらないでしょうね」。

As I heard that word, I couldn't translate to English, because he didn't tell the detail of the feeling. Maybe we are supposed to receive it by the air. You know, Kuki wo yomu (空気を読む). But it should be told in more direct way in order to work as a news program.  I know it's a personal traits of natural Japanese, and I do that some time too. But I thought this word could be one of good example. So I wanted to note it here.

According to Eijiro (英辞朗)、Tamaranai (たまらない) means;
  • can't resist〔ひどく魅力的で〕
  • be very devil

  1. great〈話〉
  1. maddening
  1. perishing〔強調〕
  • たまらない
  • ほど

First of all, I was surprised to see たまらない in the dictionary. However, in my opinion, these case above are pretty rough to express the exact meaning of Japanese nuance.

There are so many world like this. I learned it by making a book expressing Japan in English. It was very hard work to translate 妙な (another difficult word for English) details in Japanese.

I will keep posting here when I found more the words like these.


Fake Recommendation

Some book shop's blog recommending language books, it's a fake. I don't say which one, but I know for sure. They ask publishing company to write some review for them as an shop worker.

I feel that this is a kind of using their power/authority to publishers. In exchange of making review, they will put more books of  obedient company's books. I just don't feel this is right. Why do I have to write an review for the book shops.!

It might be acceptable if they show that "reviewed by ○○ editor", but in reality it clearly said by shop stuff.  How could this happen?  I hate this dirty contract.



2012年6月2日号 (2012年5月28日発売)

Good feature.

According to this feature, Japan and Korea is the only country where values TOEIC test in the world. And Korea is developing their original English test to improve English education from the bottom. Now, Japan is the only country...

I agree with opinion that college entrance exam should require English speaking test. Because test, especially entrance test is everything student care in Japan. So just adding speaking test will improve our English skills dramatically. I just don't understand why Japanese government don't change their testing system. There is no better solution.

Also, there was a story about salary man who attends to a company where use English as official language. A worker with score below 600 or 700 whatever the company decides, has to take an extra class in/out of the working time including weekend. What a waste pressure.
Learning has to be fun! Forcing to study is not a good idea.  Company should use their power and money to encourage their workers to have more great experience in global view.

Actually this is just one aspect of my thoughts Because I have never heard any voice from company side personally. Maybe companies are encouraging their workers, and using the best teacher as worker's trainer to push up their motivation.

My point here is that score is not important issue here, but uplifting motivation and providing more chance to experience English communication is the important issue.


Hi. I'm Gena. I'm half American, half Japanese. I'm living in Japan for most of my life. I went to high school in America for about a year. That was the only time I lived in States, and only time I lived in life of English world.

My parents speak perfect Japanese, so I never had a chance to learn English from them. Only time my dad spoke in English was when he got excited by watching football or when he is having fight with mom. Anyway, so I couldn't speak or understand English until I go to high school in States.

After I came back to Japan, I couldn't study with my Japanese English teacher because of his poor English. I skipped all English class in my Japanese high school, but kept high scores on the test.

I went four year college in Japan, and got job as a SE.  Five years later, I quit SE and now I'm working as an editor of some linguistic books and magazines. I like my job as far as I can learn English and get new method of study or results of study. However, I also find that some unbelievable factors in this English industry which is getting huge day by day.

In order to keep what I find and what I thought, I decided to leave some memo in here as my note.

In future, I want to learn linguistics in graduate college. It is my dream. So to make my dream come true, memo here will help me remember and help to create ideas for my goal.